Blog Update:

 Hey, guys.  

So I know I haven't been updating very well on this blog, and I apologize.  I've been really focused on Runaways and trying to publish it.  I know NerdyWritersFanFics has been getting a few updates and this one hasn't.  I want to explain.  

  Sometimes it's easier for me to focus on fan fictions instead of original stories.  I've been a little stressed about keeping up with Runaways and Runaways #2, with making sure I'll be able to keep up with the series once it's published.  Because once it's published there's no going back.  I have to continue and pull through, which isn't easy because I have so many books and new ones keep coming up all the time.  

  Right now, Spies and Forget Me Not have been on writer's block for so long I'm going to take them off and review them, hopefully get some ideas, and actually write an outline for them to help me plan how everything's gonna go-including Raining Fire and The Scroll Writers.  

  I'll leave one new story on here while I do that and hopefully update monthly-I know I said I was hoping to get better with the updates, but I still need a bit more time with that.  I'm lazy when it comes to reviewing, editing, and outlining stuff, but I promise I'll do it.  

  And I know I say this a lot (mostly on my other blog) but if you have any ideas, any at all, I will gladly accept them and take them into consideration.  I love getting comments and ideas from people.  And I can't do this alone.  With as many books that I have, I need y'all's help.  

  That's all for now.  Thank you all so much for being patient and understanding.  I'm trying to organize all this stuff in my crazy writing life.  It's true what they say:  It's just like riding a bike.  Except the bike is on fire.  You're on fire.  Everything is on fire.  🙂

Anyway, be safe and have a great day/night wherever you are!  God Bless!  

-C. H 


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