
Showing posts with the label Rivals

Rivals (chapter one)

Rivals  A Short Story Disclaimers  Hiiiiiiiiii :D   This is an original book, please no stealing.  This book is not on Teenfic or any other site.   If there's any songs, those will also be original (probably, if not I'll make sure to put that at the end of each part) cause I somewhat write songs too.   Please no hate, you can give constructive criticism but please don't bully or anything.  I'm self-conscious about my writing enough as it is.   This is a work of fiction, all names, (most) places, and things are fictional.   Hope y'all enjoy, please comment and vote, your feedback is very much appreciated <3  - Claire My eyes popped over and I groaned quietly, rolling over to see what time it was. The alarm clock vaguely showed that it was around six am. No wonder there was barely light at the windows, and why my roommate was snoring away. I sat up, defeated, and stumbled over to the bathroom, sighing. I grabbed a towel from under the marble sink and soaked it with