Love and Derby (Chapter 1)

Love and Derby 

A Short Story


This is a complete original story, please don't steal.  

I got inspired for this story while on a Kentucky trip for my cousins Bluegrass Party, which is like a mini–Derby Party that they have every year, and then when I went back for the Derby a couple weeks later.  

This is a work of fiction, any characters and names (horses, people) are entirely fiction.  

There will be restaurants though and those are real.  

If at some point I have Aubrey sing (maybe), those songs are going to be an original (I write songs) so please don't steal those either.  

Enjoy the story, feel free to comment and vote if ya want, I'm not pushy.  Be safe and have an amazing day, 

- Claire 

The Week Before

"Is that all?"  

I glance at the list in my hand, nodding as my eyes flick over the words.  "That's all."  

My mom places a bag of chips in the cart, and we head to the checkout.  We just arrived in Kentucky for our family's annual Derby Party.  There's always lots of games, food, entertainment, and lots and lots of people - we have a big family.  

Right now, we're shopping for snacks at the local grocery store before heading to my grandma and grandpa's.  I haven't been to the Derby Party for years, since I was around six or seven.  

My dad got a job transfer so we had to move away, and it was too far of a drive, and we usually couldn't afford to fly us all down.  But my dad got promoted a few months back, so we're able to come the last year my grandparents host it.  

I grabbed items from the cart and scanned them as my mom rifled through her purse for her wallet.  Soon I had everything scanned and bagged, waiting for my mom to pay.  She brought out her card and we packed everything back into our car.  

The back was filled with bags and luggage, so I sat crisscrossed and stared out the window, taking in the vivid blue grass.  I missed my birth home so much, I never even realized until just now how much.  

"We're here!"  My dad announces as we pull into my grandparent's driveway.  

It took us to the backyard, where there's a garden and mini playground and sandbox.  There's also a Jockey sculpture with a blue uniform holding a yellow sign that says Wells Family Farm near the steps.  

I open the car door and heft my satchel and suitcase, which rode in the back with me, along with some grocery bags.  My dad takes out his and my mom's suitcase and carries it up the steps, rolling it into the house.  

It amazes me that years after moving away, we still have a key.   

"Welcome!"  My grandmother says, hugging my mom first before my dad, then coming to me last.  "Oh, you're so much taller.  The last time I saw you, you were this high!"  

She holds up her hand to demonstrate, and I've grown almost double the size since.  I hug her gently and smile, walking over to my grandfather.  

"Good to see you, dear,"  he smiles, hugging me much more softly than my grandmother.  

"Your room is to your right if you want to unpack and settle in,"  my grandmother says before turning to my parents.  "Jim, Sasha, your room is upstairs.  We remodeled, here, let me show you..."  

Me and my grandfather exchange looks as she rushed up the stairs with my parents warily close behind.  We both laugh quietly, and I head to my old room.  The walls are a cream color, the floors a hardened wood.  

Everything seems the same almost, the same twin bed with the same colorful flowery quilt, same loppy letter spelling my name over the bed frame.  There's a small bookshelf that didn't have a speck of dust on it, the cubbies still full of children books I used to read.  

My grandparents are very old fashioned.  The only change in my room was an old TV on the nightstand across from my bed.  Luckily, I remember how it works, though I don't turn it on.  

I pull out my earbuds and connect them to my phone, turning on my favorite playlist and putting my slightly wrinkled clothes into the old wooden dresser.  

"Aubrey,"  my mom says, knocking on the door softly before walking in.  "This is the only room in the whole house that hasn't changed."  She admires it a bit before turning back to me.  "Dinner's ready.  Grandma made tater tot casserole."  

I smile.  That was my favorite meal when I was younger.  

A/N:  Ok how was that???  We haven't met the guy who's obviously the reason why we're all reading this.  I don't have an exact name for him though, y'all can comment if you have an idea for a name.  

Thanks so much for reading, hope y'all enjoyed! 

Name ideas for You-Know-Who (get the reference?)? 

Anything that's super long that can have a nickname 

Anything simple / country 

I know that was a great list, right??  Anyways, please comment if you have a name idea, I'll probably come up with something, but you never know.  

Sorry in advance for any and all slow updates :) 

Be safe and have an amazing day/night!  

- Claire


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